
" Dear students,
Welcome to my English language Corner. I hope we can enjoy everything we try together. See you in every entrance ".

Wednesday 31 May 2017


       I am an English teacher of Secondary education (1st and 2nd level ESO) at a bilingual school in Tenerife. This is my first experience working with a blog. I have to say that I really like it so much. I think I will include it in my daily routines in my classes at school next school year. I also think  we can teach and learn differently and it will be Great for my students... the Magic Word is 'motivation '.

       Soy profesora de inglés en secundaria ( 1° y 2° ESO), en un colegio bilingüe en Tenerife. Es mi primera experiencia con el uso del blog. Tengo que decir que realmente me encanta. Creo que lo incluiré en mi rutina escolar diaria con mis alumnos el próximo curso. Creo que también podemos enseñar y aprender de manera diferente. Será genial para mis alumnos....Motivación es la palabra mágica.
TIPO: Blog de aula
Autora: profesora Coromoto López Rocha
Periodicidad de las publicaciones: semanales, quincenales, inicio de cada evaluación según la asignatura (propuestas, actividades, projectos, concursos...)
Objetivo general: preparar un blog de aula donde figuren las asignaturas relacionadas con el inglés dadas para el nivel de 1°ESO (Geography, English workshop, English language, art, Music) con actividades, proyectos de grupos, información del curso, flipped class...)
Objetivos específicos: dar a conocer los contenidos de las asignaturas, temas, reforzar lo dado, repasar lo dado, conocer las opiniones de los alumnos y padres en las entradas, además de mostrarles lo que se está dando en la asignatura o incluso en el centro. Que otros profesores de otros centros puedan ver lo que estamos haciendo.
Contenidos: todos aquellos relacionados con las asignaturas relacionadas con el inglés para el nivel de 1° ESO.
Principales etiquetas: las asignaturas dadas, proyectos, iniciativas, actividades, repaso, concursos.
Moderación de comentarios: la ubicación de los comentarios será debajo de cada entrada. Solo los miembros de este blog podrán dejar y hacer comentarios. Y la moderación de los comentarios será: siempre.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

1st assessment 
Unit 1I
Unit 2
Unit 3

2nd assessment 
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6

3rd assessment 
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10

(Once a week)🎤🎻🎼
1. Theory
2. Activities
3. Projects

✏️Geography class. Projects ( 1st year ESO)

1st assessment

2nd assessment 

3rd assessment 

✏️Activities for the English classroom (work in groups)

 in the School year, one story every two months.

Read My story......

           In the classroom we will write a story in small groups. It will be about A great Adventure in....

Be creative. Follow the following instructions:

1. Use your imagination
2. In your IPads you will write the story, including your own pictures. Do not forget the characters in your story. Plan what is the story about. All students  in the small groups in the classroom have to help to do it properly.
3. No more than 3 pages.
4. Do not forget to write your names.
5. It could be a funny, science fiction, scare, ghost, real story. Decide in the group the kind of story you will write about.
6. You will have three sessions for doing it.
7. No more than five students in each group.
8. Make the presentation of your story in the classroom. Read it aloud. Use your IPads and the AppleTv If you want.

✏️English Workshop (once a week)

A trip around the world 
Starting in the Canary Islands

Ready? Click and listen to your teacher... All School year round travelling around the world. Let's go to discover together thousands of interesting things. In small groups you will pretend to work in a travel agency. You will prepare a trip around the world for a group of 20 people. At the end, as a final product, you will have a magazine with the information about the trip: flights, means of transport, hotels, restaurants, places to visit, number of days in each place... And also prepare an i- movie with some interviews, people who went to the trip telling us their experience with your travel agency.

Enjoy your trip.
🎞  Invitation to the trip around the world by your teacher

✏️TRABAJO FINAL NOOC : EL BLOG DE AULA COMO HERRAMIENTA COLABORATIVA 📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝        I am an Engl...